

Select publications are below, followed by a full list of opinion pieces, scientific articles, case studies, and blog posts.

African Philanthropy in Education

Stepping into unchartered terrain.

Meet the student

Keratiloe Mogotsi

Climate Change Resilience

Can Philanthropy play a role?

Scientific Articles

View Keratiloe’s Google Scholar page

Case Studies

  • Mogotsi, K., Moyo, B., & Urban, A. (2022). Southern Africa Trust: embarking on a sustainability journey. Teaching note. Emerald. doi 10.1108/EEMCS-07-2022-0231
  • Mogotsi, K., Khofi, L. & Urban, A. (2023). Developing a pipeline of female academic leaders. Case study and teaching note. Emerald
  • Mogotsi, K., Mitchell, C. & Bowen, A. (2023). South Africa’s Solidarity Fund: Navigating the shores of uncertainty and crisis. Case study and teaching note. NACRA
  • Mogotsi, K. & Townsend, S. (2023). Climate philanthropy in South Africa through the lens of IPASA a grantmaker’s perspective. Case study and teaching note. NACRA

Blog Posts